JavaScript is an asynchronous, single-threaded, and non-blocking programming language.

JavaScript is an asynchronous, single-threaded, and non-blocking programming language.

JavaScript is an asynchronous, single-threaded, and non-blocking programming language.

  • JavaScript Engine (V8): The V8 JavaScript engine, developed by Google, is used in web browsers like Google Chrome and Node.js. It provides the call stack and memory heap, forming the execution context for running JavaScript code.

  • Asynchronous Task Handling: JavaScript handles asynchronous tasks using different mechanisms:

    • Browser APIs (Web APIs): These are provided by the web browser environment and allow performing tasks asynchronously. Examples include setTimeout, setInterval, and AJAX requests (XMLHttpRequest).

    • JavaScript APIs (Node.js APIs): In Node.js, similar asynchronous functions are provided by built-in modules or third-party libraries.

  • Event Loop and Callback Queue: When an asynchronous task completes, its corresponding callback function is placed in the callback queue. The event loop continuously checks the callback queue and moves the callback functions to the call stack when the stack is empty. This process ensures that the callback functions are executed in the order they were added to the queue.

  • Microtask Queue: JavaScript also has a microtask queue (also known as the job queue or task queue). Microtasks are typically used for Promise resolutions, process.nextTick (Node.js), and queueMicrotask. Microtasks have a higher priority than regular tasks in the callback queue and are executed before the event loop proceeds to the next cycle.

The typical flow of the event loop is as follows:

  1. Execute any synchronous code in the call stack.

  2. Check the microtask queue, and if there are microtasks, execute them all before moving to the next step.

  3. Check the callback queue, and if there are any callbacks, move them to the call stack to be executed.

  4. Repeat the process from step 1.

This asynchronous and non-blocking behavior in JavaScript allows for smooth handling of operations like network requests, file I/O, and timers without freezing the main thread and enables responsive user interfaces and efficient server-side operations.